

Please note there is a £10 locker key deposit. This is on top of the entry fee. You get this back at the end of the night minus any soft drinks ect


Fri 14th- Naked Attraction
Sat 15th-Take me to heaven UVP vtines day

Fri 21st- Fetish Friday 
Sat 22nd- Total Fuckarge

Thurs 27th- Thirsty thursday (karaoke and pool)
Fri 28th- Pure Viva – Tgirl admirer night
Sat 29th- Mardi Gras


Thurs 5th- Couples Night
Fri 6th- Glam + White
Sat 7th- Pandemonium

Fri 13th- SEXCESS Rock night
Sat 14th- Green mean sex machine

Fri 20th- uniform horn
Sat 21st- Back to the 90’s

Thurs 26th- Thirsty Thursday

(karaoke and pool)

Fri 27th- Fuckfest friday 
Sat 28th – (tbc)


Thurs 2nd- Couples night
Fri 3rd- Annie’s hotties and jockeys

Thurs 9th April- Easter Debauchery 
Fri 10th April- SASS
Sat 11th- (PAULS Night)

Fri 17th- Fetish Friday 
Sat 18th- (to be decided)

Thurs 23rd- Thirsty Thursday
Fri 24th- (to be decided)
Sat 25th- (to be decided)


Fri 1st- (to be decided)
Sat 2nd- Pandemonium

Thurs 7th- Couples Night
Fri 8th- (to be decided)
Sat 9th- (to be decided)

Fri 15th- (to be decided)
Sat 16th- (to be decided)

Fri 22nd- (to be decided)
Sat 23rd- (to be decided)

Fri 29th- Pure viva
Sat 30th- FLAUNT















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